Juego de actividad física basado en realidad aumentada
A technology like Augmented Reality (AR) earns popularity and academic interest in the rehabilitation sector. It offers the possibility to create a controlled and perceptual stimulus that can motivate the users, especially patients in the health sectors. Rehabilitation methods were the physical activities that do not always work successfully. Significant importance behind introducing the AR into the rehabilitation sector is by using the MS Kinect camera that supports patients during motor rehabilitation therapy for the upper extremity. The presented game helps the patients recover their functional potentials, such as hand-eye coordination and hand directing skills also improves the reaction pace. The presented AR system provides low-budget solution costs as one solution for the previously mentioned problem, especially that the Kinect game does not require any body- worn attached equipment. Augmented reality can further enhance these methods in terms of reliability in evaluation, performance, effectiveness, time taken.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Video Gaming Rehabilitation, Physical game, serious video game
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