Framework para el diseño y desarrollo de experiencias inmersivas transmediales : Miladys y Halo Media
The objective of this research is to propose a framework for the design and development of immersive transmedia experiences, through the analysis of two case studies where the use of virtual reality and virtual worlds to generate educational content and empathetic experiences is evidenced. Virtual worlds are three-dimensional spaces reproduced on a computer screen, where a user can interact and receive sensory feedback from this world and the possibility of interacting with other users. Transmedia storytelling is a process in which the integral elements of a fiction are systematically dispersed across multiple distribution channels in order to create a unified and coordinated experience. Two case studies with the above characteristics are analyzed and a framework divided into 6 stages is proposed, explaining in detail each of them and how this type of experience can be developed.
Keywords: Immersive Experiences, Transmedia, Framework, XR Technologies
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