Narrativas XR para niños sensorialmente diversos
Narration facilitates and improves language learning. Narrative learning requires children to acquire the ability to structure and combine phrases to lead to the use of more complex syntactic structures. XR technologies make storytelling more immersive giving apprentices rich multisensory experiences. We propose the creation of XR narratives for children affected with a hearing and/or visual impairment, using the prototypes of endemic Colombian animals and following an inclusive education approach. The project is structured in four stages: (1) creation of multisensory prototypes; (2) creation and validation of narrative proposal; (3) staging the narrative using XR; (4) validation using DELPHI. For the first stage, we have advanced by using and adapting prototypes such as: puzzles, images, and 3D models, from research-creation projects related to this one.For the second stage, we have proposed a first version for an interactive narrative. For the third stage, we have proposed a first set of components that may be included in the system. We have not started the fourth stage. Refining the narrative and implementing it will bring conceptual, technical and usability challenges. The creative process to advance in the different stages has required interdisciplinary work and discussions.
Keywords: X-Reality, Visually and Hearing Impaired, Narrative, Multisensorial, Animals, Art, Inclusive Art
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