Prototipo de un sistema de realidad aumentada para el apoyo a la yincana de inducción en la universidad
Human beings are social beings by nature and seek to live together in community. For this reason, guiding processes go hand in hand with their coexistence, since, when several individuals congregate, a community is formed that seeks, as far as possible, to achieve a common goal. Among the benefits offered by this type of activity, the fact of improving observation, exploration and companionship skills stands out. The yincana of the induction process at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali emphasizes and highlights the collaborative learning between inductors and new students (neojaverians), based on the guidance provided by the induction leaders to the teams and the subsequent feedback among the students that make up each team. Therefore, a group work environment is generated, which we seek to support through a solution that makes use of technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and gamification techniques. This document first explains the problem, then the proposed development process, and finally the conclusions of the project.
Keywords: Computer Graphics, Augmented Reality, Gamification, Guidance Processes, Smart Cities
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