Diseño de recursos educativos inclusivos. Integración de recursos análogos y digitales para la inclusión
We present the experience in XR from the DESTINO Research Group at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali, Colombia. We summarised our relevant work to show the wide spectrum of applications in XR. The works presented here include proposals for surgical simulation, narrative systems to increase knowledge in museums, interactive proposals for the preservation of cultural, historical, and natural heritage, inclusive language learning systems, among others. The technologies used for its development include video games, animation, interactive systems, tangible interfaces, the virtual continuum, all within the framework of the XR. For the implementation of these works, we overcame challenges such as the coordination of interdisciplinary teams, the development of appropriate user experiences, the achievement and understanding of information and challenges associated with the use of technology. Several of these projects have made an impact in the real world and all of them have given us the opportunity to deepen our knowledge in XR. We hope this summary will inspire and motivate younger researchers to explore diverse solutions.
Keywords: Virtual Continuum, X Realities, Computer Graphics
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