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Chapter 6. Virtual space used as a pedagogical tool to understand real space

El espacio virtual como herramienta pedagógica para entender el espacio real

Published onNov 04, 2022
Chapter 6. Virtual space used as a pedagogical tool to understand real space


The aim of this research is to explore the pedagogical use of virtual reality (and its spatial perception within it) as a tool to sensitize people to the complex use of real space within a specific case: the teaching of virtual reality for an audiovisual project course adapted to the COVID-19 situation, which made visible the contribution of Virtual Reality to the objectives of this course. It was observed that by replacing video installations in a real-physical space with the construction of virtual spaces, which contain audiovisual elements, it is possible to enhance the understanding of how physical space works perceptually and its relationship with the construction of sense. Said empowerment would be based not only on an emulation of the rules of physical space, but also on construction possibilities exclusive to the mediated immersive space that nevertheless allow us to understand the functioning of the physical space.

Keywords: Education, Perception, Virtual Reality

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Virtual space used as a pedagogical tool to understand real space


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